Our Services


We provide medical visits to our patients in their residences which allows us to easily identify issues that may not be readily apparent in an office visit.  Because many of our patients have caregivers or are poor historians, by visiting them in their facility, we are able to meet with their caregivers or family members and hear what happens from day to day.


By developing relationships not only with patients but also with facilities and families; we provide more individualized and excellent primary care. Facility staff can contact us quickly to handle urgent problems that develop. We can triage concerns and decide next steps together. Through our chronic care management program we regularly communicate with families and/or POA’s to discuss concerns or questions outside of specific visit times, taking the pressure off families or POA’s to attend visits in person.


We work closely with outside agencies including social services, mental health, home health care, physical therapy, hospice and palliative services to make sure our patients get the appropriate care they need. We are typically able to arrange x-rays, ultrasounds, lab draws and even advanced cardiac testing and sleep studies at home.